Wednesday, October 19, 2011

comment received after a fellow author read my Novel For the Sake of Amelia Tormented

Alexandra Tesluk wrote: Valerie Bowen has been given a canvas and paints a tension-filled plot with enough twists and turns to keep the reader up at night, unwilling to put the book down. The first page grabs you instantly, as does the novel, which is well-written. 

The vivid descriptions are photographs in themselves ~ from the introduction of the characters, to the landscaping and beauty of Maine.

The ending had me on pins and needles and I look forward to the sequel.  
"Tormented" ~ this is a story you will be driven to share with friends. Congratulations, Valerie!

Valerie Bowen - The Independent Author Network

Valerie Bowen - The Independent Author Network

Monday, October 10, 2011


After fighting her captor for her freedom, Amelia tries once again to return to the strong woman she was before her ex-husband Ray had brutally whipped her and left her for dead on the side of the road.

Amelia has become terrified to be alone and wants nothing more than Kyle’s strong arms to hold her up and protect her from all the evils life has to dole out. The fears she tries to bottle up inside are about to explode and the emotional mess in the days to come is more than she can take.

Amelia finally realizes the only way to regain her courage is to go back to where her private torment began. In Colby Kansas Amelia decides to conquer her biggest fear of all, the one where she began her downward spiral of losing her independence and self respect. With Kyle by her side she returns to the barn, and all the horrifying memories she forced herself to forget.

After hearing the news of the escape of Amelia's captor, Kyle is  forced to do everything humanly possible to protect Amelia. He is faced with the realization Amelia’s nightmare is on his way to reclaim what he feels is rightfully his. 

A proposal and murder plot brings everything full circle when revenge takes a front seat from within the walls of the Kansas state penitentiary.

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Faerie Wishes

Talia Saturnfrost has grown very tired of her forest home; she has spent many suns dreaming of leaving the fae realm and living amongst the humans. Her decision is made when she falls deeply in love with Cayden a human male. She only has to utter the wish to make her dream come true. 

Talia soon discovers the grass is not exactly greener on the other side of the realm; as a matter of fact she discovers sometimes wishes can kill you. Will Talia find the love she craves in Cayden? Join her on her quest to find the love she desires and the realization that sometimes wishes do come true just not necessarily the way you had planned.